My war against love is over’ It’s been not so long since I started allowing love into my life, since I allowed to love myself for all that I am. I feel I’ve been at war with this living force as I felt I wasn’t worth of receiving it. Once I started understanding I am more than a body, more than my thoughts and feelings I was able to connect to a higher power were I exis- ted as pure infinite light and were I could recognize everything and everyone in this higher loving frequency. Today I am serving as a mirror, I am serving as a channel. I offer my body for others to express through me. I become a moment, an ephemeral art piece that as everyt- hing, won’t last forever. This is a chance for expression, this serves as a ritual to let go. This serves as a chance to see each other as one entity, an entity that feels, lives, breathes and expresses love. This is a goodbye, this is a chance for a new chapter. I use my energy and my flesh to create this synergy, this quantum and cosmic connection. Awakening something within someone, no matter what. People think that positive outcomes are the ones that matter but for me any outco- me is there for me to learn and grow to observe further than I can see. For me sha- dows are as important as light. This is not about me, it’s about all these conversations conversations with others. What you see are the begging of some unfinished pieces of Ana Sting’s next exhibi- tion. INSTRUCTIONS: 1- Come in and take a sit. 2- The music will start playing. Listen, feel, observe, close your eyes. Whatever your soul is asking for while the performance starts. 3- Once the performer sits on the table feel free to start writing on her body. This is an opportunity to say something you never said before, something you want to say to someone that no longer exists, a love letter, a goodbye letter, to yourself or others. Take your time but give the chance to others to be able to write. 4-Once the performer stands go back to your seats. Thank you - ANA STING